bathroom progress

it took us most of saturday and sunday to go from this:
to this:
i still need to do some touch up on the paint, but i'm really happy with the new wall color. we are so so close to being done with the floor. i was hoping to finish up the floor in the bathroom over the weekend so that we could at least install the toilet, but all of the bathroom prep work is just taking forever. i do not want to talk about how many hours i spent striping the wood shelf/ledge so that i could stain it the darker color. not seen in the picture, we also ran new wires for the sconce, finished the drywall work, painted new baseboard and striped the rest of the wood shelves.

but we're making progress!

ps - we also installed the new washer and dryer on saturday morning and then did 3!!!! loads of laundry in one afternoon. it was amazing.

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