it might take me a little while to finalize the new blog layout, but i'm liking the simple design so far. i'm horrible at all things computer, so making changes like this takes me forever!
speaking of changes, the kitchen is progressing. i only have iphone photos for now, but i thought you might want to see what we've been up to...
the middle cabinet is the sink cabinet, and the corner cabinet has a carousel type of thing that spins - lots of storage!the pull out pantry to the right of the fridge might be my favorite kitchen thing so far. i've already started to fill it up (not with the drill and wood glue as pictured, but with actual pantry items).
we started putting drawer/door fronts on as we've finished painted them. it took 3 coats of paint to get a semi-even finish. there are still a few places on the fronts that we need to touch up, but so far i'm happy with how the paint turned out. i was nervous that it would look too "diy".
the wine storage that we build above the fridge doesn't look all that great, but i'm hoping that some wood filler, caulk, and paint will help solve that problem. we still need to vent the range hood, which is why there is a hole in the wall. right now we're trying to get a big push to finish only the items necessary to get the people out to template the countertops. i miss having a kitchen sink.
this side of the kitchen is just about set. we'll go back and do all of the finish trim for the cabints after we get the counter process started. we're hoping to install the base cabinets for the other side of the kitchen this week.
sorry for the crappy iphone photos, i'll try to take/post some better photos soon.
4 Responses to kitchen: iphone pictures
It looks so good! And hey, I thought iPhones were supposed to take some great photos??
I thought so too! What am I doing wrong, they are always blurry?!?
It's looking so good!! Can't wait to see it finished!
The progress looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product either.
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