i kind of have a thing for chairs. i know, surprise, right? i am getting more selective with the chairs that i bring home because honestly, we are running out of space. and money. and mike said no more chairs. we are only 2 people, i am trying to come to terms with the fact that we do not need a dozen seating options in each room of our house. but, there is a certain chair that i have been keeping a look out for, and that is a bertoia side chair. there is just something about it that i always drawn to, and i've never seen an image of a room with a bertoia chair that i haven't loved. one of my co-workers has 2 that are in storage that i've tried to buy from him many times. i've even considering buying one that is in very bad shape at a nearby antique store just because i was worried i would never find another one (that i could afford). but i was patient, and like most things, figured that if it was meant to be, something would come along.
so imagine my surprise when, over the weekend, i received a call from my mom. it went something like this:
mom: "your dad and i went to this second hand store near the house and saw these weird looking chairs. we thought they might be something you'd like so i wrote down the name."
me (assuming the "weird" would actually be something "weird" and not something i would want): "oh, really? what did they look like?"
mom: "there were these white wire things. the name on the chairs was something like bertoia"
me: silence. long pause... "you found bertoia chairs? are you sure? in the suburbs??"
mom: "yeah, we went home and looked up the name online. the images matched the chairs at the store. they seem like something you'd be in to. kind of like your crazy fiberglass eames chairs."
and a day later, i am now the proud owner of these:
now i just need to figure out how to get them to st louis...
6 Responses to it's like they know me
Don't you just love parents? My parents have bought me some great "weird" or "ugly" stuff over the years!
Sorry, I still think they are weird.
great chairs!
They look pretty good at their house. If your dad didn't think they were weird they might just keep them!
So cool! They look great! I'm sure they will find their way to your house.
Great find!!! Go M&D!
My dad has a set of those "weird" chairs. I always thought they were weird growing up...then as an adult, I realized how cool my dad had been all these years...
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